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Mistakes show us what we need to learn.
-- Peter McWilliams


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Your future self

The person you are to become will learn from the things you do right now. The image you have of yourself in the future depends on the actions you see yourself taking today.

A very important person is watching your every action, listening to your every word, and knows your every thought. That person is you.

Imagine yourself a year from now, looking back on today. Imagine your future self being exceedingly thankful for the way you lived this day.

Then step forward and live today with that in mind. Think, speak and act in such a way that the person you will become inherits many positive benefits from the person you are right now.

Confidence, integrity, strength and effectiveness do not simply appear out of nowhere. They are built by the way you live your life.

And now is your opportunity to live in a powerful, positive way that will benefit your life for a long time to come. Now is your chance to make your future self thankful for the empowering paths you choose to take.

— Ralph Marston

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